I discovered some gorgeous sunflowers at Kroger recently. I thought they’d make some beautiful photos in the studio. I staged them on a white and then black background. On the white, I added in Photoshop, a texture. On the black background – no texture. I like how they came out. I tried several textures. I even took a self-portrait smelling the sunflower.
Red Roses and Oranges
I purchases a new macro lens and decided to take some macro shots of oranges and red roses. It is so beautiful to see a rose with water droplets close up. Red roses are the most beautiful flower in my estimation.
Macro Tree Buds
I bought a new Macro lens and decided to try it out on some Crepe Myrtle tree buds. Some I used a tripod and some I just did it by hand. I think things look ordinary until you put a close up lens on it. The beauty of objects, you don’t normally notice, come into view.
Flowers in Studio 2020
I set out to photograph some lilies and other pink flowers with fruit. I decided to add this to its own post since I wanted to highlight the flowers. The pink flowers bloom on a bush in front of my house but I don’t know their name. They bloom every year. I added some different textures to show how the same photo can be changed with different backgrounds. I also set the lily up on the silver platter to show the reflections.
Food and Flowers in Studio
Since we are in a lockdown due to the Pandemic, I have been coming up with creative photo ideas in my studio. What do I like most?–Food and flowers! So, I set out to make some fruit plates with cheese. I put everything on this silver plate that I got from Hobby Lobby as a prop some time ago and never used. I added a lovely lily that had bloomed in a vase at home. The resulting images are just what I had envisioned.
I also took some photos of the same lily and added different textures as backgrounds. It is amazing how a background can make the same image look different.
Red Roses in Studio
I found some beautiful red roses and decided to play with them in the studio. Some are just with a white background, and some I added a texture for color. I put the roses into the tea cup for a different effect. I really liked the results.
Pink Flowers and Reflections
I have an endless fascination with flowers, particularly pink ones. My friend Fran had these gorgeous pink flowers blooming right on a bush in her back yard back in late February. She gave me permission to cut a few off the bush. In the studio I placed the flower against a black reflective surface and used my strobes. The other shots were lilies in my studio in March 2019, again on a black reflective surface. The flowers in the saucer were on a white background so I added a texture to punch things up.
Guitar and pink lilies
I found my guitar in the closet, in the back, and felt so sad that I abandoned it years ago. Life became life and I got involved with other endeavors, such as photography. But I found another use for my poor, lonely, guitar–namely putting pink lilies on the strings and, voila, it has been brought to life again. Here are my flowers and guitar photos.
Lilies, Roses, and Pumpkin in Studio
Here are shots of white lilies and roses
taken in my upstairs studio. I used strobe lighting to capture these beautiful flowers. I also am including a shot of a pumpkin for the Fall season.
Sunflower Field
The Chicks that Click photography group went on a photo shoot to a sunflower field owned by one of the ladies. I tried out some of what we learned in our group: shoot in manual, choose F22, and focus 3/4 of the way in to get the entire image from front to the back in focus. The close up shots of the flowers were usually in Aperture Priority at a wide open F stop to blur the background. It was a good learning experience.
- Sunflower field with fellow photographer
- Sunflower and Butterfly
- Sunflower and Bee
- Sunflowers in Field
- Sunflower
- Sunflower and Bee closeup
- Closeup with Bee
- Sunflower closeup
- Closeup with Bees