I have been experimenting with using studio lights to take pictures of flowers. Here are some Mother’s day flowers as well as some I bought. I like the effect.
Peach Blossoms
The peach blossoms are now blooming and soon those delectable sweet fruits will be available. So, one of the member of the Chicks that Click photo group invited us to her orchard to take photos of the gorgeous blossoms that are so very beautiful. What a treat it was to get shots of those lovely blooms that will be gone shortly.
Phinizy Swamp 2015
I recently went over to Phinizy Swamp to shoot some photos and could not find any ducks or wildlife in the water. As you can see from these images, there is not much water this time of the year. The abundant swamps are usually teaming with fowl but apparently the fauna has taken over. Even still, I got these lovely shots, but I would’ve liked to have seen some of the animals too.
Macro Flowers
I recently purchased a very versatile lens (18 – 270) on the advice of a friend. But I also purchased a Close Up lens and step up ring, to attach to my long lens (also advised by my friend, who is a master at Macros). The green flowers are actually mother’s day flowers, the orange tulips were found right in my neighborhood. The sunflowers were a real treat and found at the Blue House Farms blueberry patch. The bees were very cooperative in that they left me alone. They were mainly interested in sucking nectar from the abundant beautiful flowers. I used a tripod, my long lens, and the close up lens attached. I was pleased with the results.
- Bee on Sunflower
- Orange sunflower with bee
- Sunflower in field of bees
- Orange sunflower
- Blueberries
- Sunflower field
- Sunflower and bees
- Sunflower close up
- Flower bud close up
- Orange flower
- Green flower
- Green flower
- Flower with droplets
- Flower bud
- Flower bud
Macro Photos
These are photos taken with a Macro lens, tripod, and shutter release. They started out as pretty little buds with raindrops, progressed to big buds, and culminated with beautiful pink flowers. The roses were in bloom for just a short time so I wanted to capture the image before their leaves dropped off.
- Rain soaked bud
- Rain soaked bud
- Flower Bud
- Flower Buds
- Flower bud
- Flower in bloom
- Bloomed bud
- Bud about to bloom
- In Bloom
Marilyn Botta is a writer, and amateur photographer. She recently became interested in digital photography and is constantly perfecting her craft. Please visit her Blog: https://awomanspeaksout.com for some interesting commentary about life.
Flowers and Trees
Flowers and trees taken at Reed Creek and Phinizy Swamps, and my own backyard. More to come. The first tulip photo was taken with a macro lens. I am taking a Macro class shortly and you will be the recipient of my newfound knowledge.
- Macro Red Tulip
- Swamp Flowers
- Sunlight through trees
- Tomato Bud Macro
- Pink flower outside my house
- Pink Flowers outside house
- Pink Flowers outside
- Mom’s Day tulips
- Icy Brown Buds after storm
- Hopeland Gardens Flower
- Sunlight through Trees
- Green Tomatoes
Marilyn Botta is a writer, and amateur photographer. She recently became interested in digital photography and is constantly perfecting her craft. Please visit her Blog: https://awomanspeaksout.com for some interesting commentary about life.