I did some experimenting by taking my own portrait using the self-timer in the studio with strobe lights. I then edited the photos using Light Room, Photoshop, and NIK. I then applied a texture called Wet Glass on top and edited the image using the Blend Modes (Screen) in PS with lots of manipulation of the layer. Finally, I used NIK – Brilliance and Warmth, and NIK Center luminosity. After adjusting everything, here they are. The first one is me “trapped” behind wet glass. The next one is somewhere maybe in the shower trapped too.
Head shots
I was asked to do some head shots for a friend. He will then present these to an agency. I took these at my studio. He was a very cooperative subject.
Pink Flowers and Reflections
I have an endless fascination with flowers, particularly pink ones. My friend Fran had these gorgeous pink flowers blooming right on a bush in her back yard back in late February. She gave me permission to cut a few off the bush. In the studio I placed the flower against a black reflective surface and used my strobes. The other shots were lilies in my studio in March 2019, again on a black reflective surface. The flowers in the saucer were on a white background so I added a texture to punch things up.
Donna’s Big Birthday
Donna, one of our favorite people, celebrated a Big Birthday. She is so well loved that I cannot even count how many friends came to wish her well. I tried to capture everyone in the party as best as I could, but it was almost impossible. I decided to at least get a group shot at the end of the evening. I gathered everyone who was still there on the front lawn, set up my camera on the tripod, and got in the picture. The evening was so lovely, the food was wonderful, and most of all it was in celebration of a specular lady. Happy Birthday Donna and many more.
Harley Davidson Luau
I was invited to attend the Harley Davidson Luau, Friday, August 3rd 2018. It was a fun time and I got a chance to take photos of the festivities, including Hawaiian dancers, the patrons, and of course the real stars–the motorcycles. They roasted a whole hog in the ground and with the music, a wonderful time was had by all. There was a raffle as well for a golf cart, which I didn’t win, but I enjoyed it nevertheless–especially taking the photos.
Model Shoot
My photo group (Chicks That Click) went to one of the members’ home for a photo shoot of her property. She had several non-professional models posing for us in various places. The models were very accommodating and allowed us to take lots and lots of pictures. I hope you enjoy these pictures of these lovely models.
Eclipse 2017
I went to South Carolina to see the total eclipse of the sun on August 21, 2017. It was an amazing experience to try to photograph this event. It was not easy and I struggled with finding the sun, with my special glasses and filter on my camera. I had to use the Live View feature on the camera because I could not look through the viewfinder. It was challenging and I didn’t think to remove the filter to capture the totality–it is very dark so I did not need the filter. As a result, I didn’t get that picture–disappointing. However, I did get some and the weather really cooperated that day, although clouds were predicted. Just before the eclipse the sky cleared out. During totality, everything went dark and the crickets started chirping, so weird. I was with very lovely people to make the day one to never forget.
Amanda and CJ
I went out to Brick Pond Park, in North Augusta, to shoot some pictures of Amanda and CJ. It was a warm day in early November and, although it was a bit hazy, we got some lovely shots.
Sunflower Field
The Chicks that Click photography group went on a photo shoot to a sunflower field owned by one of the ladies. I tried out some of what we learned in our group: shoot in manual, choose F22, and focus 3/4 of the way in to get the entire image from front to the back in focus. The close up shots of the flowers were usually in Aperture Priority at a wide open F stop to blur the background. It was a good learning experience.
- Sunflower field with fellow photographer
- Sunflower and Butterfly
- Sunflower and Bee
- Sunflowers in Field
- Sunflower
- Sunflower and Bee closeup
- Closeup with Bee
- Sunflower closeup
- Closeup with Bees
- Brick Pond sunset
- Brick Pond sunset
- Brick Pond
- Brick Pond
- Brick Pond
- Brick Pond
- Brick Pond
- Brick Pond pre-sunset
- Brick Pond
- Brick Pond
- Brick Pond
- Brick Pond dock
- Brick Pond
- Brick Pond
- sunset in parking lot
- Sunset in parking lot
- Sunset in parking lot
- Whitney Place
- Sunset at Whitney Place
- Sunset in parking lot
- Sunset in parking lot
- Sunset in Parking lot
I was in the midst of an amazing sunset while I was in a lighting class. I know I should’ve been focused on the class (and I was) but I was very distracted by the gorgeous sunset that was unfolding. It was a cloudy day and had just rained and, in my opinion, that is the absolute best time to get sunsets. When it is too overcast, it is hard to get a good sunset shot, but when the sky is full of roiling billowy white and gray puffy clouds, the colors of red, gold yellow, and orange mix in the clouds creating an amazing image. The first few were taken after a rain in, of all places, a parking lot. The next batch were taken at Brick Pond Park about 7:30 – 8 pm on a Saturday night. Beauty can be seen anywhere and a few of these were taken right in my neighborhood at sunset.