These Portraits were taken in my upstairs photo studio using new lighting equipment.
I took these portraits after taking an indoor lighting class. To take the self-portraits, I set up my tripod with my Nikon camera mounted on top, set the backgrounds, used a special release device, set the camera, focused and sat down. It was a process, but I believe the self-portraits came out very nice.
My friend volunteered to have her portrait taken as well. I think the results are quite good. Of course, I will gain skill and will be perfecting my techniques with time.
Marilyn Botta is a writer, and amateur photographer. She recently became interested in digital photography and is constantly perfecting her craft. Please visit her Blog: for some interesting commentary about life.
- Me and Teddy
- Self Portrait
- Self Portrait
- Self Portrait
- Self
- Best Friends
- My Feathered Friend
- Portrait
- Physically Fit
- Portrait of Friend
- Portrait
- Friend Portrait
- Portrait
- Portrait
- Portrait
- Portrait
- Portrait
- Portrait
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