My friend asked that I do a photo shoot of her boyfriend’s children, Gavin and Emily. Gavin is 16 and Emily is 13. We went out to Brick Pond Park, a lovely place in N. Augusta, S.C. It is really only about 20 minutes away. They were shy at first so we started out slowly. But as I continued taking their pictures, and talking to them, they really blossomed and became comfortable. This enabled me to get some great shots. These were Christmas presents to their family and they loved them. The kids were a real delight and it was a good experience.
Family Photo Shoot
I went to Brick Pond Park, in North Augusta, to do a photo shoot of a lovely family. I used my AD200 strobe and Flashpoint R2 Transmitter. This family consisted of 4 children, ages 14, 7, 4, and under one year. It was a bit challenging due to the sun still being high in the sky and bright, even at 4 pm. This was still daylight savings time. Luckily, the baby was good most of the time and that helped. We stopped at about 5:30 because the children were tired, had to use the bathroom, and were pretty much done. But I got many great shots along the way. It was a good experience.
Christmas Family Photo Shoot
Christmas is the time for photo shoots, especially children in front of the Christmas tree. So, I asked a few people if they would be interested in having some Christmas photos of their family at West Town Community Church. So, on a very rainy day, a few families came over and sat for a number of photos. It was challenging corralling all the kids and getting the ideal shot where everyone looks good. Finally, I believe I had some success. Here are the results of my efforts–I’m pleased.
VBS 2018
I took the photos for the VBS 2018. It was a lot of work but fun. I tried to capture the spirit of the event by getting as many group shots of all the participants
as I could.
VBS West Town Church
From June 1 through June 5th the West Town Community Church hosted a wonder VBS (Vacation Bible School) to the children. It was a wonderful experience for me to document these amazing and adorable children having so much fun worshiping God.
- Sherrie and Vangie
- KIds Celebrating
- Face painting
- Painted face
People and Events
People and Events photos at various gatherings
These photos of people and events were taken with my Speedlite attached to an hand bracket to eliminate shadows. The group photos with me in it were taken with my Speedlite mounted on a tripod, and using a remote timer in my hand, I clicked–and voila, group photo with me–yeah!
I will be taking a Wedding and Event Photography class shortly. I will continue to learn and grow in this field that I love.
- Tired little boy
- Soothing Talk
- Silly Faces Group Photo
- Writing Group
- Group Photo
- Married couple at party
- Friends at party
- Friends at party
- Mama’s Boy
- Happy Couple at party
- Family photo at party
- New Love
- Sister and Brother at Party
- Little girl at party
- Birthday Party with Kids
- Happy Family at Party
- Party Time
- The Girls at Party
- Birthday Girl and Mom
- Sweet Baby and Mom
- Best Friends
- Mother and Daughter
- Grandpa and Baby
- Birthday girl with cake on face
- Birthday girl and friend
- Good friends at birthday party
- Old friends at party
- Retirement Party BBQ
- Going away party
- Partners in Life
- Best Friends
- Girlfriends at party
- Friends at party
- The Girls at party
- Good time with friend
- Friends at party
- Us Girls
- Friend at Gathering
Marilyn Botta is a writer, and amateur photographer. She recently became interested in digital photography and is constantly perfecting her craft. Please visit her Blog: for some interesting commentary about life.