Gerry and Dawn recently got married but didn’t have any really nice portraits of the two of them. I offered to take some studio portraits of them in their wedding outfits. The couple are a bit unconventional in that Gerry wore a gray shirt and black motorcycle vest and Dawn wore a lavender gown. I took many photos of Gerry and Dawn in various poses, most of which show their love for each other. Here are the best images taken. They were very cooperative and it was a fun day.
Christmas Family Photoshoot
My friend asked me to do some Christmas family photos. It was especially poignant since the two young people were engaged and about to be married in early January 2019. I took along my new strobe light with a beauty dish. The transmitter was made to pair with the strobe light. I thoroughly enjoyed capturing a family not only enjoying their Christmas celebration, but preparing to welcome their new daughter-in-law into the fold. I asked that I take a picture of their hands, which was met with skepticism, but it was ultimately a good decision as evidenced by the photo.