I was asked to do some family portraits of my friend Joyce, her daughter Amanda, and her granddaughter Lainey. I started out with Lainey who wears glasses. She allowed me to shoot some without her glasses but we ultimately decided she would be more comfortable with her glasses on, since that is how she is used to seeing herself. Joyce was a great model and basically posed as I instructed her. I added in some flowers she picked from her yard. She loosened up a bit later on. I gave her a shawl that I had in my closet and it did the trick. Joyce also wore another fringed shawl bought in my favorite places for props, Goodwill. It was a fun day and hopefully they enjoyed themselves.
I went to Goodwill, which is my go-to store for finding props for photography. Sometimes I do not find anything unless I am very specific about what I am looking for. But, the other day, I just decided to browse and get inspired in case I found a treasure–and a treasure I did find. All of a sudden I saw this lovely shawl that kind of had a Mexican-like motif. It sort of looked biblical as well. It is really beautiful and I snatched it up for a mere $2.50. So, I had an idea that I would take some self-portraits yet again (since I live alone and it sucks when you want to get images of people) and that was what I had in mind. I wanted the shawl to drape around my head and body. It’s big so I could do it. I thought of draping it around my bald head but decided to put on my wig.